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Credit: Nikki Natrix

Thing 4: Doin' the Social Thing(s)

I've been a bit behind in the midst of job interviews and family visits (note to self: not a good combination). Thankfully, for this Thing I'm already acquainted with 2 out of 3 of the services: Twitter and RSS.

My first experience with Twitter was at the MLA Annual Conference in Minneapolis, and it added a whole new layer of participation. There were monitors displaying ongoing tweets everywhere, and you could easily get distracted by the Twitter Monitor during a presentation. Sadly, the app I downloaded for my Android phone refused to play nicely with my Twitter account, so I spent more time punching buttons and cursing than actively tweeting.

However, I do have a fun Twitter story to share: I had been following Librarian Lizy's tweets for a good while (she's a solo hospital librarian rife with thrilling tales, and she gives a photo tour of her library here). We'd been trying to connect in the opening madness, to no avail. I was wandering the hotel lobby one evening and spotted two MLA-ers across the way. The Twitter description of a leopard-print scarf floated across my mind, and I took a chance at approaching complete strangers...yup, it was her. ;)

Moral of this story: Find me on Twitter! You can click on the link in the upper right, or search for K4Dag.

I'm working on setting up Pushnote now, but I've just signed up to Diigo and it sounds very similar to this. We'll see what the benefits/differences are...


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