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Credit: Nikki Natrix

Day One Point Five ALA

So I have already failed in the goal of Not Permanently Crippling Oneself For the Sake Of ARCs (i.e. free books). But then I look at all these lovely books and decide that the sacrifice was well worth it. But today I shall try to improve, and my strategy will consist of Avoiding the Exhibit Halls, since my willpower obviously isn't up to the task.

We'll see how that goes.

I did strike up some conversations, and everyone seemed quite friendly despite the 'running of the bulls' atmosphere at exhibit opening time. I spoke to David Serchay, author of two guides to graphic novels for librarians (including a section on graphic novels in academia, which I had never considered) -- he generously shared his conference experiences, including the mind-boggling fact that the Book Expo is ten times the crazy, since basically all of the books are free.

What glorious madness...

On to the next day!


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