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Credit: Nikki Natrix

ALA Madness

So I'm now in the midst of trying to plan for my first-ever annual librarian conference down in D.C., and the sheer number of programs is making my head spin. I am trying to follow the advice of more experienced, wiser librarians in my preparations, such as:
  • wear comfortable shoes (you will not want to be limping through the convention halls)
  • attend some discussion/committee groups - it's a great way to participate instead of just sitting in presentations
  • bring business cards and then use them
  • have several backups in case your program is canceled/too far away/demolished by giant library-hating locusts
And some separate advice I have tailored to myself:
  • talk to people: yes, it's scary, but try striking up some conversations (you never know where things will lead -- so long as you do not hyperventilate and vomit over someone's shoes. Then it's pretty much a foregone conclusion)
  • make notes during the conference and blog about what's happening
  • take breaks! otherwise you will become a Conference Zombie, wandering the halls and moaning quietly (and that isn't productive or fun)
Above all, try oh please try to resist the siren call of free galleys...

Oh, who am I kidding? Just try to avoid permanent spinal damage at least.


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