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Credit: Nikki Natrix

Allow Me to Explain...

So, in perfect Murphy's Law fashion, soon after the dining complaint letter was dispatched, we GSLISers ventured into the hall once more, fueled with righteous indignation and ready for battle over the salad bar -- to find actual food waiting in the trays. And reasonable lines at the stations. And -- wonder of wonders! -- a full complement of ice cream cones sitting placidly next to the now-functioning machine. It's like the past few days were only a horrible nightmare...

And my Letter of Hanger (hunger-driven anger) looks a little bit wilted now. I've not yet received a response, but I'm not looking forward to it. Then again, I am being fed, so who cares?

I realize this has started the record on a negative note, but hopefully that isn't an omen. I will try to keep this from being a gripe-fest (because really, those get old fast) and stick to the facts as I find them. For instance, finding the waffle machine this morning was lovely. We became fast friends, and I forsee many cozy brunches in our future.

But enough of my love affair with breakfast. To begin officially --

This is the journal of a beginning library science graduate student, attempting to navigate the fraught pathways of higher academia and city life in the Northeast United States. As I was conducting my grad school search, I was frustrated at the lack of 'inside information' about what the programs were really like -- was the workload overwhelming? Could jobs be found? How was campus life? Any hidden cults?

Hence, this: One girl's story of Library School. Undoubtedly biased, sporadically updated, and of highly dubious informational value...but still here. Yet another resource twinkling into existence in the sparkling, crowded sky of the Internets.

At least until I decide to delete this.


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